21 January 2015

Making a change

So, the time is upon us. Champagne, staying up waaaay past bedtime, making the all important, life-changing resolutions that we will strive to keep until Jan 15th when we inevitably eat a Mars bar completely forgetting our pledge to go 365 days without one then spend all afternoon trying to justify it or convince ourselves that switching to avoiding bountys still counts (just me? No?)

In all seriousness though, it is one of the traditions I do actually take notice of. I see it as a chance to challenge yourself, to refocus, to take stock of all good things that have come your way over the last 12 months and make a list of what you’re going to do to ensure more good fortune comes your way.
So, in the spirit of ‘publicising your drunken resolutions so that others hold you accountable’ here are mine for 2015:
Move house (phase 1 is complete…)
Lose half a stone
Get a puppy
Start ironing once a week (family is verging on crumpled tissue paper wardrobes, it has to stop)
Update blog more regularly!
Convince my husband about toddler’s school provision from Sept onwards
And that’s that. Shall update you with my progress as we go. Happy 2015 xx

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