18 January 2016

On moving furniture around. Again...

Yesterday afternoon, high on my success of cooking a roast dinner as my resolution dictates (despite its crapness!) I got all energetic and decided to rearrange the boys' bedroom. Again.
This is a bone of contention in our house. Husband would gladly leave things in the same place until the carpet beneath them has changed colour and they have welded themselves to the floorboards. He is not a fan of change. I, on the other hand, am a big fan of moving furniture around on a complete whim. I think it stems from an intense dislike of any other type of change, but lo, here is one I am in complete control of so it's all OK. Makes me feel all flexible and 'last-minute' when in reality I am anything but.
Obviously, this impulsive habit sometimes results in massive faux pas, hence why the playroom is currently set out like a crazy person was in charge. It makes me twitch every time I go in there but one day I woke up with an idea in mind and I was ADAMANT it was going to be better. I MADE Husband move the massive, heavy day bed around on a WHIM and then discovered it looks...well, shit. I can't admit I hate it. Who wants to open themselves up to weeks of gloating??! Not me! What normally happens in these situations is that I wait until he's out and then just put things back quietly and, because he's so unobservant, I usually get away with it for months. Problem is, the bastard day bed is so heavy that I can't do that this time. Hence, the crazy layout that makes me twitch. Aaargh...
Anyway, the room in question this time round started off as Boy's room and saw 2 if not 3 configurations as a single room before Baby even moved in. Baby's cot has now been in 3 different locations...so that's how often I move stuff around ;-)
BUT this way is the final move I'll make. I promise! I have had this vision in my head for months and can see it working as Baby continues to grow into his own single bed (sob!) I love it. I thought I'd got some 'before' photos on the computer but I haven't and without meaning to sound rude, I'm not moving it all back again just for the purposes of this blog!!

Here is where Baby now sleeps (under his brother's initial - may rectify that when we head upstairs at naptime!) Husband put up the picture frame shelves from Ikea so I could make a proper little book corner. I don't know about you guys but that is just a THIRD of the books my children own, I have hundreds in the cupboard and try to remember to rotate them every couple of months. Insane! In a couple of months when we need to buy a second single bed it will slot neatly into this alcove (if I push the cubby holes over a bit and slide it under the beautiful new shelves that Husband has already announced he will NOT be moving again, sigh!)

This is where Boy now sleeps under the strictest of instructions not to touch the window. Husband is swinging by B&Q tonight for a window lock as the current key is missing and it is constantly unlocked, eeshk! As you can see, he is sleeping under a photo of his brother in my tummy, switcheroo needed!

And the cubby holes in the middle. Which def need moving to the left a bit, hadn't noticed that earlier?! And, Baby's clothes are in the dark grey tubs, Boy's clothes are in the white ones. That's going to annoy me too. Man, I thought I was finished...

So there you have it. Moving house and figuring out how spaces work best for you takes bloody months, we've been here for 9 months and it's taken me this long to exhale. As soon as you think you've cracked it your needs change slightly, a new idea pops into your brain or you simply crave a change. I think this is it though. I think...

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